Thursday, April 21, 2016

Poetry Problem #2

Rene Char said “A poem is always married to someone.”
Prove this. Or prove it false.

Let the set of married things be called set M. Our task is to either prove or disprove that poems always belong to set M.

If an element is in set M, it is called "married", which entails that there is a mutual relationship. Thus, anything in set M must have exactly one unique (since polygamy is outlawed in the US) counterpart also in set M.
Marriage requires joint decision-making and rationalization, so we conclude that a "married" element is rational.

Now, let us analyze "poem." A poem can be commonly defined as "a piece of writing that partakes of the nature of both speech and song that is nearly always rhythmical, usually metaphorical, and often exhibits such formal elements as meter, rhyme, and stanzaic structure." 

Poems include elements of speech, song, rhythm, and literary devices. Therefore we write

[poem] = [speech]*[song] + [literary devices]

Consider each component of [poem] individually. 

[speech] is an integral part of human society, so we conclude that [speech] is an integer. 

[song] often incorporates speech, so we say [song] is also an integer.

[literary devices] include things like metaphors, similes, hyperboles. Metaphors compare things that aren't related, and hyperboles are exaggerations not meant to be taken seriously. Therefore, some things in [literary devices] are irrational.

Then, [poem] is the product of two integers plus a possibly irrational number, so [poem] can be irrational, meaning it is not true that a poem must belong to set M. We have disproved that a poem is always married.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Amy Lowell Quiz by Madie Gardner and Tyra Greer

  1. In The Letter, what is the bare floor splattered with? (moonlight)
  2. What does “Canterbury bells” signify/mean? (a pun on the church bells and a bell-shaped flower)
  3. What are the two main images in Opal? (Fire and Ice)